Automation Series: What system integrators look for in a plant walk-through
1 Certified Professional Development Hour (PDH) available upon successful completion of an exam for eligible attendees.
A common cliché in automation and controls is to pick the low-hanging fruit first, meaning automate the easiest and most accessible applications as the first step. Are you able to really SEE what may be done in an application that’s ripe for automation? Does the team that’s in the thick of things need a fresh set of eyes to see old processes anew? System integrators discuss how to automate and the things system integrators look for and find during plant or facility walk throughs. It’s often during initial automation project design discussions when the most savings can be identified for the least cost.
Learning objectives:
- Examine how, with the rate of technology advances, opportunities for automation advancement have changed in recent years.
- Understand what control system integrators look for when they do a plant for facility walk through, seeking automation opportunities for potential clients.
- Review why system integrator expertise (coupled with plant-specific domain expertise) can add tremendous value in the design and planning phase of any project.
- Learn best practices related to identifying automation and controls projects that can deliver high return on investment by looking at examples.
Presented By:
Jeff Buck, PE, CMSE, Co-President, Automation NTH
Eric Sahakian, Senior Industrial Programmer, Vertech
Moderated By:
Mark Hoske, Content Manager, CFE Media and Technology