Stuxnet Mitigation: Defense in Depth Needed

Stuxnet experts are jumping out from everywhere saying they know how to mitigate the worm and clear up any issues a system might have. There seem to be some differences in approach, but one thing is pretty much agreed to by all...

December 27, 2010

Stuxnet experts are jumping out from everywhere saying they know how to mitigate the worm and clear up any issues a system might have.

There seem to be some differences in approach, but one thing is pretty much agreed to by all: No single solution will block an attack like Stuxnet, but a comprehensive solution of countermeasures including process and policy can significantly reduce the negative consequences that result from such an attack.

Knowing this in advance means any mitigation strategy needs to be based on a solid defense-in-depth strategy that utilizes multiple, independent layers of protection. The members of the Cyber Security Forum Initiative (CSFI) Stuxnet Project agree while it will always be possible to find flaws in any one solution it should be increasingly difficult to find and exploit flaws in a comprehensive solution that depends on multiple protective measures.