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Online 3D CAD Configurator for Pneumatic Actuators and Accessories

January 10, 2023

Festo continues to enable original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to lower engineering and purchasing overhead and bring machines to market faster with the company’s new online 3D CAD Configurator for pneumatic actuators and associated accessories such as fittings, lengths of tubing, and sensors.

The tool is intuitive and easy to use. Once the actuator is selected from a choice of either cylinder, drive with guides, or semi rotary drive, the engineer simply points and clicks on accessory hot spots to identify and select each accessory. The configurator ensures compatibility between actuator and accessory and eliminates any possible error in type code.

Knowing that customers rely on assured component availability, this new productivity tool focuses exclusively on the in-stock and quick-ship core range of Festo pneumatic actuators and accessories. The core range in the configurator’s database includes the company’s most widely applied pneumatic components and some of its most innovative ones.

The tool supports the most common CAD formats for OEM workflow compatibility. The single CAD file of the actuator/accessory assembly simplifies the design process by eliminating individual CAD files for the various components. The tool also consolidates and simplifies parts lists. Actuators and accessories are shipped in a one-bag kit with a single unique Festo ID number covering all components in the kit. A unique identification number makes for fast and easy reordering.

For more information on this product visit New Products For Engineers.