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Top 5 Plant Engineering articles June 20-26: Hydraulic systems, industrial lubricant storage, world-class maintenance, more

Articles about hydraulic systems, industrial lubricant storage, world-class maintenance, lubrication 101, and lean manufacturing were Plant Engineering's five most clicked articles from last week, June 20-26. Were you out last week? You can catch up here.

By Erin Dunne June 27, 2016

Plant Engineering top 5 most read articles from June 20-26, covered hydraulic systems, industrial lubricant storage, world-class maintenance, lubrication 101, and lean manufacturing. Link to each article below.

1. Why do hydraulic systems get hot?

Hydraulic horsepower either goes to work as energy or is wasted energy in the form of heat. If a hydraulic system is designed to be efficient and is operated and maintenance properly, it won’t get hot. 

2. Industrial lubricant storage: Six common mistakes

Industrial lubricants affect many of the most costly areas of a manufacturing operation: machine downtime, disposal costs, parts failure and labor costs. Understand how to avoid contamination and confusion. 

3. World-class maintenance: Barriers to success 

Maintenance used to be reactive, only done after a failure occurred. This run-to-failure approach used to suffice because the cost of maintenance exceeded the cost of failure. People, process and technology can either hinder or help your success.

4. Lubrication 101

The need for lubrication in mechanical systems in understood-and sometimes it can be taken for granted. The following information covers some of the basic issues in lubrication, such as making the choice between oil and grease for lubrication and the impact which oil-distribution methods. 

5. Efficiency: Lean manufacturing, integrated automation 

Pressure on manufacturers to be efficient and eliminate waste continues to grow as the manufacturing industry, especially in developed countries, works to compete in the global market place. 

This list was developed using CFE Media’s web analytics for stories viewed on, June 20-26, for articles published within the last two months. 

Erin Dunne, production coordinator, CFE Media,