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K1S Triple Throw Rocker Switch

March 3, 2023

OTTO Controls’ K1S, the industry’s smallest ON-ON-ON triple throw rocker, is ideal as a Forward-Neutral-Reverse (FNR) switch. Or choose from 72 other standard legends with both normal and large-size rocker top styles for various operator functions. Its short-behind-panel, snap-in design easily fits in operator grips or panels, and it has a 1M cycle life even when working in the most demanding environments. The K1S is available in single- and double-pole configurations with maintained action. The double-pole version offers redundancy for each switch state, providing increased safety. Termination options include a Molex connector or wire leads. The K1S contact system is sealed to IP68S and uses a flow-thru design. With an optional boot, the switch is panel sealed to IP68S.

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