Eugene Vogel
January 13, 2023
Vertical turbine pump tips and tricks
Vertical turbine pumps (VTPs) are ubiquitous and used in many different applications constantly, which makes them more vulnerable to damage because of constant wear.
By Eugene Vogel
Motors & Drives
December 5, 2019
Your questions answered: Right-sizing pumps with variable speed drives
Webcast presenter Eugene Vogel answered questions on variable speed drives (VSDs), variable frequency drives (VFDs), and their value for manufacturers.
By Eugene Vogel
Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
September 17, 2013
Understanding of resonance essential for solving vibration problems
It's no secret that severe vibration can destroy bearings, ruin shafts and potentially disrupt production. What's less well known is that resonant machine components and supporting structures can magnify even small vibration problems enough to damage connected equipment or cause catastrophic machine failure.
By Eugene Vogel