Bryan Christiansen
Founder and CEO at Limble CMMS.
Five ways maintenance engineers can improve maintenance management
Maintenance engineers play a key role in ensuring a machine remains functional and coordinates with the management team. Five tips are highlighted.
Five benefits of an effective predictive maintenance plan
An effective predictive maintenance plan can help manufacturers reduce downtime and supply chain issues while improving machine efficiency and the life of their assets.
Four ways predictive maintenance changed how maintenance departments work
More predictable maintenance equates to scheduling optimization
Three ways technology impacts time and motion studies
Time and motion studies analyze tasks and break them down into their components
Introducing lean manufacturing tools and techniques
Lean manufacturing tools and techniques demands a mental shift among employees, steady elimination of process wastes and perfecting best operational practices.
Four strategies for implementing machine monitoring equipment
Setting objectives for machine monitoring, prioritizing machines, developing relevant performance metrics and continuously improving them.
How to avoid fault tree analysis (FTA) mistakes
FTA is a complex exercise that requires efforts to fully understand the system, its associated subsystems and components
How to improve the maintainability of critical assets
Four efficient and effective ways to improve maintainability of critical assets.
How to extend the P-F interval for critical assets
The objective of prolonging the P-F interval is to increase the capability to detect potential failures
Four things to keep in mind when performing FMECA
FMECA is a complex process but can optimize processes