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EtherNet/IP for servo drives

The EtherNet/IP communication option has been added to the PositionServo drive.

By Plant Engineering Staff December 20, 2008

The EtherNet/IP communication option has been added to the PositionServo drive. EtherNet/IP is a member of the DeviceNet and ControlNet family of Common Industrial Protocols (CIP). As a member of the CIP family, EtherNet/IP can use the same set of pre-defined common objects, thus making communication between devices from different manufacturers much easier.
Adding the Allen-Bradley compatibility and multiple communication options allows end users to choose the fieldbus that best fits their automation application as well as their physical network. EtherNet/IP can support a nearly unlimited amount of nodes, can be used on a single point connection for configuration and control and permits devices to send and receive messages simultaneously.
Lenze-AC Tech