Ultra Consultants
Ultra Consultants, a CFE Media content partner, is a leading independent research and enterprise solutions consulting firm serving the manufacturing and distribution industries throughout North America. Ultra delivers enterprise technology expertise and process management to drive business performance improvement for their clients.
Five-step continuous improvement cycle for businesses
Like basketball, businesses need everyone to work together to achieve the same goal and improve the company. A five-step continuous improvement cycle can help.
Three tips to consider when buying an ERP system
Buying an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a big step, and companies should consider what it can bring to the company and the potential risks involved.
Five change management strategies for an ERP project
Change management strategies for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) project include aligning everyone on the stated goal for a project and identifying potential risks before they become an issue.
Three questions to consider during ERP software selection
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects work best when they are built on process improvement, but companies should ask what an ERP can accomplish for them and why they're looking to choose one in the first place.
Seven steps for starting an effective ERP project
Companies need to carefully consider many aspects when starting an effective enterprise resource planning (ERP) project. Seven best practices are highlighted.
Reasons to stick with or develop an ERP business plan
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a must for any business looking to improve their overall operations, particularly as the economic outlook becomes more uncertain.
Business process improvement project benefits valve manufacturer
A valve manufacturing company went through a business process improvement project that involved enterprise resource planning (ERP) evaluation and selection engagement.
Evaluate current operations before starting an ERP project
An evaluation of the current state helps teams identify ways to use the best practices built into new enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions to improve operations.
Top 10 factors to setting a budget for an ERP solution
It’s important to have a strategic approach in place when budgeting for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution.
Five steps to measure ERP’s value
Return on investment (ROI) from an enterprise resource planning (ERP) project can be realized by forming a team, documenting the state of business processes, and more.