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Shon Isenhour, Eruditio LLC


HMI, OI September 20, 2017

What motivations do teams have for completing training? 7 reasons we have been told.

Here are seven explanations we've been given as to why people do training. Let's look at each one and what it says about the organization and what you might do to improve your training ROI.

By Shon Isenhour, Eruditio LLC
Maintenance Strategy September 19, 2017

Five ways to limit the creation of a reactive culture

In facilities management, it is better to proactive rather than reactive in terms of maintenance. This applies even more so to new facilities.

By Shon Isenhour, Eruditio LLC
Maintenance Strategy September 19, 2017

The hunger for reliability

With the turning of the economy many now have increased production demand. They have spent time focusing on safety and have great performance in that area. The only area they lack is reliability.

By Shon Isenhour, Eruditio LLC
Plant Automation September 15, 2017

Seven reasons why your RCA is not getting results

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) can be a very powerful tool for eliminating defects and increasing efficiency and profits. Below are seven reasons why your RCA might not be working for you.

By Shon Isenhour, Eruditio LLC
Maintenance Strategy September 14, 2017

Transitional Root Cause Analysis

Discussing Root Cause Analysis (RCA) can be made easier using Shon Isenhour's tree diagram.

By Shon Isenhour, Eruditio LLC
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