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Shawn Casemore, AME


Lean Maintenance August 21, 2015

Is Lean relevant in today’s economy?

Despite this hurdle to Lean adoption, the reality is that in today’s highly competitive and unpredictable global economy, Lean is still just as relevant, if not more so, than ever before.

By Shawn Casemore, AME
Contract Maintenance July 8, 2015

10 questions to help understand efficiency problems

If Lean manufacturing is initiated with the wrong problems in mind, the problem is exacerbated rather than improved. Here are ten questions aimed at helping uncover the true source of causes.

By Shawn Casemore, AME
Lean Maintenance April 13, 2015

AME: Death by 1,000 Kaizens

Are your employees ready for the Lean journey or suffering from too many Kaizen events? Before you can ever be successful in integrating Lean practices, it’s important to first understand why employees come to work each day.

By Shawn Casemore, AME
Predictive and Preventive Maintenance December 9, 2014

AME: Will Lean survive the next generation?

As we experience generational shifts in the workforce across North America, we have to start considering how this shift in generational occupancy will impact the deployment, integration and acceptance of Lean.

By Shawn Casemore, AME
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