Nick Warrick
Nick Warrick is the sales manager at All Seasons Uniforms, a professional workwear company based outside of Chicago that has been in business since 1991.
Arc flash best practices and tips
Arc flash events are among the most common source of injuries, but there are ways workers and employers can bypass them.
Understanding the importance of PPE and high-visibility clothing for engineers
High-visibility clothing can make an engineer more visible to others.
Saving lives with arc-resistant and flame-resistant apparel
Arc-resistant and flame-resistant (FR) personal protective equipment (PPE) clothes are the first and the last line of defense against serious injury.
Protective cleanroom clothing essentials
Everything that enters a cleanroom must also be highly regulated to prevent the inadvertent introduction of pollutants, which includes protective cleanroom clothing.
Choosing the right flame-resistant PPE
Flame-resistant (FR) clothing is essential for anyone who works on job sites or with equipment that comes with potential fire, combustion or electrical hazards.