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Klaus M. Blache, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Reliability and Maintainability Center


Lighting July 1, 2009

Robust reliability and maintainability process reduces costs

A more robust and understood reliability and maintainability process can reduce costs and improve competitiveness in companies of all types. With only 38% of companies doing business using RandM specifications, it’s a good indication of how much these methodologies are actually being used. As shown in Fig.

By Klaus M. Blache, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Reliability and Maintainability Center
Material Handling June 1, 2009

Slow movement toward predictive maintenance seen in Tennessee study

Production throughput and being cost competitive are as important as ever. Understanding what is attainable and implementing reliability and maintenance best practices can provide that opportunity. This benchmarking study is a repeat of a similar effort performed in 1991. It will be published in two parts.

By Klaus M. Blache, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Reliability and Maintainability Center
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