Jade Boyd
Jade Boyd, Rice University.
Carbon can help decarbonize global economy
Rice University researchers believe splitting hydrocarbon molecules could help decarbonize the global economy.
Graphene shield improves wastewater protection
Rice University researchers have found that a shield of graphene helps particles destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria and free-floating antibiotic resistance genes and other potential superbugs in wastewater treatment plants.
Faculty grants for COVID-19 research awarded
Rice University researchers have been awarded grants to research COVID-19's effects as well as develop technologies and protocols to mitigate its effects.
Rice University, Shell launch climate change initiative
Rice University and Shell have launched Carbon Hub, a major research initiative to create a zero-emissions future in which oil and natural gas provide both clean energy and advanced materials
Unclonable digital fingerprints developed for IoT devices
Rice University integrated circuit (IC) designers have developed unclonable digital fingerprints for Internet of Things (IoT) devices that allows their PUF to be more energy efficient than previously published versions.