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David L. Chandler

MIT News Office


Mechanical & Electrical June 3, 2024

Metals get stronger when heated under extreme conditions

The finding by MIT researchers could be important for designing spacecraft shielding or in high-speed machining applications.

By David L. Chandler
Energy Efficiency & Management November 10, 2023

Engineers develop efficient process to make fuel from carbon dioxide

The approach converts the greenhouse gas into formate, a solid fuel that can be stored indefinitely and could be used to power industries.

By David L. Chandler
The three primary constituents of the battery are aluminum (left), sulfur (center), and rock salt crystals (right). All are domestically available Earth-abundant materials not requiring a global supply chain. Courtesy: MIT
Energy, Power September 8, 2022

Concept for low-cost battery developed

Made from inexpensive, abundant materials, an aluminum-sulfur battery could provide low-cost backup storage for renewable energy sources.

By David L. Chandler
Semiconductors August 10, 2022

Semiconductor material that performs better than silicon

Researchers have found a material that can perform much better than silicon in cubic boron arsenide, but finding practical and economic ways to make it remains a challenge.

By David L. Chandler
A new membrane material, pictured here, could make purification of gases significantly more efficient, potentially helping to reduce carbon emissions. Courtesy of: MIT Researchers
Energy Efficiency & Management April 1, 2022

Method developed to separate gases, reduce carbon emissions

A new membrane material could make purification of gases significantly more efficient, potentially helping to reduce carbon emissions.

By David L. Chandler
Discrete Manufacturing March 21, 2022

Carbon fiber development used for lightweight structural materials

MIT researchers have found a way to make carbon fiber could turn refinery byproducts into high-value, ultralight structural materials for cars, aircraft and spacecraft.

By David L. Chandler
Courtesy: Pjotrs Žguns, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mechanical & Electrical March 10, 2022

Stabilizing interfaces in solid-state batteries

MIT researchers have developed a method for stabilizing the interfaces in solid-state lithium-ion batteries opens new possibilities.

By David L. Chandler
Energy Efficiency & Management January 27, 2021

Boosting carbon capture and conversion system efficiency

A recent design could speed reaction rates in electrochemical systems for pulling carbon out of power plant emissions, which could improve conversion system efficiency.

By David L. Chandler
Other Building Types March 30, 2020

Research team working on open-source, low-cost ventilator for coronavirus patients

An MIT volunteer research team of engineers, physicians, computer scientists and others are carrying on prior work to develop an open-source low-cost ventilator to help hospitals and emergency teams around the world.

By David L. Chandler
Energy, Power February 4, 2020

Electrode design may lead to more powerful batteries

An MIT research team has devised a lithium metal anode that could improve the longevity and energy density of future batteries.

By David L. Chandler
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