Claudia Jarrett
Claudia Jarrett is the United States country manager at EU Automation.
Energy Efficiency & Management
July 25, 2021
Going green with obsolete equipment for manufacturers
Each manufactured product has some impact on the environment and produces carbon emissions. Manufacturers are using obsolete equipment can reduce that impact.
By Claudia Jarrett
July 23, 2021
Learning from the global semiconductor chip shortage
The semiconductor supply chain is unique, but there are lessons that all manufacturers can learn from its shortcomings.
By Claudia Jarrett
Additive Manufacturing
April 16, 2021
Tackle obsolescence with additive manufacturing
3D printed spare parts are a revolutionary force
By Claudia Jarrett
Project Management
February 3, 2021
How to communicate an automation project
Staff support is essential for the integration process; tips on how to get employees on board with a new automation project
By Claudia Jarrett
Data Acquisition, DAQ
November 30, 2020
How to use the true value of data
Manufacturers could save $100 billion through data sharing
By Claudia Jarrett