Reader Feedback – 2007-05-15

Long-term focus, hard work will boost U.S. manufacturing I just finished your April 2007 issue, including the Product of the Year winners for 2006. This was a great issue! In addition to the usual interesting technical content and new product news, I enjoyed the exchange started by Randy Juras’ letter.

By Staff May 15, 2007

Long-term focus, hard work will boost U.S. manufacturing

I just finished your April 2007 issue, including the Product of the Year winners for 2006. This was a great issue! In addition to the usual interesting technical content and new product news, I enjoyed the exchange started by Randy Juras’ letter. Both respondents did him a disservice by featuring his comments as merely ‘concerns.’ I would term them “widely observed agreed facts” instead.

Still, the responses did address the key question: If this is the situation, what is to be done? Personally, I believe the key to a turnaround is in a workforce that still works harder (and is more involved and innovative) than any I see in other countries. If we can both level the regulatory and systemic playing field a bit and stop those on top from short-sighted near-term profiteering and sell-outs, I think U.S. industry figures to eventually win out.

How we can take advantage of our workforce advantage given the moral climate in Washington, CEOs’ personal short term focus and greed and the frequent inherited ownership leadership vacuums/sellouts? Still, I sincerely believe we do figure to come out best once more losers on top get enough $5,000 watches, mansions and luxury cars and get out of the way and let nature take its course.

Incidentally this does not apply to our company. We’re flying right on top.

Thanks again for a great issue.

Bill Schultz
Express Pattern
Vernon Hills, IL