Predictive diagnostic smart transmitter
CSI 9210 machinery health transmitter is the cornerstone of Smart Machinery Health Management and reportedly the first FOUNDATION fieldbus transmitter that diagnoses conditions including motor-pump bearing failure, coupling misalignment, motor electrical failures, pump cavitation, and pump imbalance.
CSI 9210 machinery health transmitter is the cornerstone of Smart Machinery Health Management and reportedly the first FOUNDATION fieldbus transmitter that diagnoses conditions including motor-pump bearing failure, coupling misalignment, motor electrical failures, pump cavitation, and pump imbalance. In what the company calls a new class of digital automation technology, the smart transmitter is designed to improve plant operations and maintenance, including the prevention of unplanned shutdowns. Smart Machinery Health Management extends the company’s PlantWeb digital plant architecture by putting predictive diagnostics into intelligent transmitters that monitor and analyze rotating equipment health.
Traditionally, motor/pumps are monitored only infrequently and repaired when they fail. The transmitter delivers continuous actionable information about rotating equipment health directly into plant process control systems and asset management applications enabling dramatic improvement in plant performance. With this real-time information, plant operators are able to easily view rotating equipment status, recognize issues with machinery, and take actions to improve availability and plant performance.
The smart transmitter extends the PlantWeb digital plant architecture by embedding rotating equipment operating parameters into intelligent digital field transmitters, enabling diagnostic information to be communicated from the machinery via the FOUNDATION fieldbus protocol, and displaying operation and maintenance information in DeltaV and Ovation process automation systems with integrated AMS Suite asset management software.
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