PMMI bundles event and media properties into integrated package

The packaging trade association puts its trade shows, Web site and magazine together in an all-in-one package for buyers and sellers.

By Staff September 7, 2007

In what may be a first for a major industry trade association, the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute (PMMI) is bundling its trade shows, Websites and print magazine into a single, integrated offering.
PMMI will unite its PACK EXPO trade shows, Web-based business tool and Packaging Machinery Technology magazine under the “PMMI Total Access” banner, connecting packaging industry buyers and sellers with information sources across the packaging supply chain. The program will be unveiled at PACK EXPO Las Vegas, which is being held Oct. 15-17 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV.
For packaging buyers, Total Access will deliver customized content, supplier information and immediate access to PMMI’s industry resources via a next-generation personal desktop widget, a miniature Web. 2.0 object that buyers can place on their desktops or laptops. For packaging suppliers, it will enable one-stop buying of event, digital and print space, and the 74-year-old trade group will create a single consolidated media kit for its entire stable of event, digital and print properties.
“As the world’s leading packaging industry trade association, it’s only natural that we’re‘packaging’ our business tools for both suppliers and buyers into one access point,” said Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO of PMMI. “The packaging community relies on a dizzying array of information resources to do their jobs successfully, and our goal is to unite PMMI’s diverse product offerings into one place, making their job to find information and business resources easier.”