Light on a stick

LitLink specialty hotstick utility light connects to any hotstick, provides 180 degrees of illumination. It illuminates any tool on the end of the hotstick using bright white 1-Watt LED. It is lightweight, weighing only 7 ounces; operates inline with any hotstick and tool setup; and works with pigtail disconnect, broken bulb remover, bulb biter, saw, tie head or conductor brush cleaner.

By Staff November 1, 2006

LitLink specialty hotstick utility light connects to any hotstick, provides 180 degrees of illumination. It illuminates any tool on the end of the hotstick using bright white 1-Watt LED. It is lightweight, weighing only 7 ounces; operates inline with any hotstick and tool setup; and works with pigtail disconnect, broken bulb remover, bulb biter, saw, tie head or conductor brush cleaner.

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