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Expanded range pH meter

The pH 620 pH meter has a pH measurement range of -2.00 to 19.99, which is expandable to 0.001pH resolution with accuracies up to +/-0.002 pH. Meter features include IRDA communication, 500-data set memory and an IP67-rated housing. Time-and-date stamping meets GLP standards. Calibration capabilities include up to six calibration points, user-settable calibration due alarm and up to 15 buffer o...

By Staff November 1, 2006

The pH 620 pH meter has a pH measurement range of -2.00 to 19.99, which is expandable to 0.001pH resolution with accuracies up to +/-0.002 pH. Meter features include IRDA communication, 500-data set memory and an IP67-rated housing. Time-and-date stamping meets GLP standards. Calibration capabilities include up to six calibration points, user-settable calibration due alarm and up to 15 buffer options.

Oakton Instruments; Div. of Cole-Parmer :