Ball valves eliminate flanges

Type 21 ball valves eliminate the need for flanges and permit installation or repair without expanding the pipeline. They are manufactured from PVC, CPVC, PP, and PVDF. Pressure rating is 230 psi for sizes 1/2-3 in., and 150 psi for 4 in. at 70 F.

By Staff December 1, 1999

Type 21 ball valves eliminate the need for flanges and permit installation or repair without expanding the pipeline. They are manufactured from PVC, CPVC, PP, and PVDF. Pressure rating is 230 psi for sizes 1/2-3 in., and 150 psi for 4 in. at 70 F. Valves have an ISO mounting pad for both actuated and manual operators.

Asahi/America, Inc.

Circle 378