2017 Safety Study

2017 Safety Study: 5 findings on plant safety

Respondents to the Plant Engineering 2017 Safety Study identified five high-level findings impacting the manufacturing industries today:

  1. Commitment to safety: Seventy-one percent of operations personnel and 69% of senior management are very committed to safety in their facilities, followed by line supervisors (68%) and line workers (53%).
  2. Work group safety: The work groups that feel the safest in their daily tasks are plant management/corporate executives (73%), safety executives/managers (65%), and engineering (64%).
  3. Safety programs: Ninety-four percent of respondents believe their employees feel safe on the job, and 83% have observed an increase in productivity over time due to the implementation of a safety program. The costs of industries and insurance claims have also decreased since following a safety program.
  4. Enforcing safety: More than 78% of facilities hold regular safety meetings, perform safety audits, and have established a safety committee in order to enforce safety methods. Another 74% have implemented job safety analysis procedures and 68% discipline, suspend, and/or terminate staff for irresponsible actions.
  5. Safety strategies, technologies: The top strategies or technologies that facilities use to support safety procedures include personal protective equipment (90%), lockout/tagout procedures (84%), job safety analysis (76%), and internal safety audits (66%).

View additional findings in the full 2017 Safety Report.