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2015 Safety Study

Plant Engineering 2015 Safety Study

Six findings on workplace safety

Amanda Pelliccione

Source: Plant Engineering 2015 Safety Study, CFE MediaRespondents to the Plant Engineering 2015 Safety Study identified six high-level findings impacting the manufacturing industries today:

  1. Commitment to safety: Three-quarters of operations and senior management personnel are very committed to safety in their facilities, followed by line supervisors (64%) and line workers (51%). An overall increase in commitment to safety was observed between 2014 and 2015.

  2. Work group safety: The work groups that feel the safest in their daily tasks are plant management/corporate executives (82%), safety executives/managers (78%), and engineering (68%).

  3. Safety programs: Ninety-eight percent of respondents believe their employees feel safe on the job, and 91% have observed an increase in productivity over time due to the implementation of a safety program. The costs of injuries and insurance claims have also decreased since following a safety program.

  4. Enforcement: Four out of five facilities hold regular safety meetings, perform safety audits, and have established a safety committee in order to enforce safety methods. Another 43% have implemented incentive-based programs.

  5. Safety meetings: The majority of safety meetings are held on a monthly basis, and the most active contributors are line workers (66%), safety executives/managers (65%), plant management/corporate executives (64%), and maintenance personnel (63%).

  6. Measuring success: Eighty-four percent of facilities measure their safety success by the number of accident reports and near-miss events, while 74% compare their OSHA recordables/time-lost accidents, and 46% observe lower workers’ compensation costs.

Access the full 2015 Safety report with additional findings.

– Amanda Pelliccione is research director at CFE Media.