Motors and drives: How to optimize industrial energy use
1 Certified Professional Development Hour (PDH) available upon successful completion of an exam.
Manufacturing and industrial facilities can save energy in many ways, and improving efficiency of electric motors, drives and related systems remain a huge opportunity. Electric motor-driven systems are estimated to consume more than 70% of electricity in U.S. industrial plants. Reducing this electrical use is key to optimizing energy.
The European Union regulation on electric motors and variable speed drives 2019/1781 entered into application as of July 1, 2021, replacing the regulation on eco-design for electric motors (No. 640/2009). The regulation on electric motors and variable speed drives was updated again on July 1, 2023.
U.S. Code of Federal Regulations at 10 CFR, Part 431 — Energy Efficiency Program for Certain Commercial and Industrial Equipment was last amended in June 2023. Plant managers, system integrators and electrical engineers should understand these regulations, and how to implement them in their facility on various types of equipment.
Learning objectives:
- Know the basics of energy conservation standards as they relate to motors and drives.
- Learn about variable speed drives (VSDs), also called variable frequency drives (VFDs) or inverters, and their ability to control motor speed.
- Understand what equipment will use motors and drives, and how the motors/drives can be modified to reduce power.
- Understand recent updates to the regulations and the types of motors they cover.
- Understand equipment that uses motors and drives, and review energy savings potential.
Presented By:
Michael Lyda, Technical Supervisor, Large Business & Industry Team, Advanced Energy
Moderated By:
David Miller, Content Manager, CFE Media and Technology