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Original air date September 2, 2021

Launch a successful predictive maintenance program

One (1) Certified Professional Development Hour (PDH) available for all attendees.

Manufacturers are moving from preventive maintenance to real-time conditioning monitoring and predictive maintenance, due to breakthroughs in sensing, analytics and other aspects of the Industrial Internet of Things.

However, due to an excess of caution, they are doing so slowly.

What are the principles of technology project management that can help manufacturers to move more expeditiously?

Mo Abuali of IoTco says that if the maintenance project can be seen as a three-legged stool that includes technology, process and people, it’s often people that present the biggest challenge. Abuali suggests the following people-centric emphases can promote more effective project management:

  • Focus on data value
  • Foster a culture of innovation
  • Establish a smart manufacturing steering committee
  • Empower digital change champions
  • Make internal communications a change management priority.

Kelly Knepley is chief information officer at DexKo Global, a leading manufacturer of highly engineered running gear, including axles, chassis and other components for towable equipment makers. During the webcast Knepley will discuss details of how DexKo transitioned to predictive maintenance for some of its most important processes.

Learning objectives:

  • How to make the business case for predictive maintenance
  • Understanding and introducing Industry 4.0 tools, including condition monitoring and industrial analytics
  • Learning practical aspects of launching an Industry 4.0 and predictive maintenance program in a global manufacturing company
  • How to structure a predictive maintenance program, manage through the challenges and ensure long-term success.

Presented By:
Mohamed Abuali, Ph.D., CEO and Managing Partner, IoTco
Kelly Knepley, Chief Information Officer for DexKo Global

Moderated By:
Kevin Parker, Content Manager, CFE Media and Technology

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