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7/21/15 lloT webcast one: Design considerations

lloT webcast one: Design considerations

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. PT /9:30 a.m. CT/10:30 a.m. ET
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Manufacturers are looking at the Industrial Internet of Thing (IIoT) as a way to help then better understand operational performance. What are the barriers to the adoption of IIoT? What are the challenges organizations will face? And what are the opportunities that IIoT will present to manufacturers looking to improve their plant operation?

The first of a three-part series on the Industrial Internet of Things looks at some of the research in the process industry around knowledge of and adoption of IIoT, and where companies see the benefits of a more connected enterprise. 

The presentation will include:

  • The key questions manufacturers must address when considering IIoT as a plant floor solution.
  • Which personnel in the plant is responsible for IIoT implementation.
  • What do manufacturers expect to do with IIoT?
  • How do those expectations differ in specific vertical markets?

Presenter: Toby Colquhoun, Industrial automation cyber security senior analyst at IHS 

Moderator: Bob Vavra, Content Manager, Plant Engineering, CFE Media

Sponsored by: Mitsubishi Electric, National Instruments, Panduit