06/8/17 Webcast
IIoT Webcast Two: Sensing and control at the edge: Microcontroller kits
Webcast Two: Sensing and control at the edge: Microcontroller kits
Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 11 a.m. PT/1 p.m. CT/2 p.m. ET
One (1) Certified Professional Development Hour (PDH) available for all attendees.
In an unforeseen instance of innovation, microcontroller kits are being used to build IIoT digital devices and interactive objects. The industrial-automation industry has taken note of these commercially available edge-computer, board-level embedded controllers.
What began as an easier way to program microcontrollers evolved into an open-source, electronics-prototyping platform and today microcontroller kits, such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi, are a force in do-it-yourself home automation.
In a range of industrial environments, engineering teams already are evaluating the suitability of these kits and kindred solutions for process control and automation in production plants, factories and facilities.
“In an industry that’s been ‘stagnant’ for the last decade, we’re getting excitement about what is possible with these technologies,” says Arlen Nipper, co-developer of the MQTT messaging protocol.
These low-cost systems will make it possible, for example, to add remote-control and monitoring to small legacy systems – just as decades ago SCADA enabled automation of mid-sized systems.
IT-based automation suppliers are on the verge of introducing ruggedized microcontroller platform solutions having the robustness, safety features and communication protocols needed in industry.
Learning Objectives:
- How are microcomputer kits being used in industrial environments?
- What are the challenges and benefits of this emerging industrial technology?
- What best practices should be involved in evaluating this technology?
Attend the IIoT webcast series webcast on sensing and control at the edge to ask your questions as Arlen Nipper discusses with moderator Kevin Parker and Control Engineering editor Mark Hoske the future of microcontroller kits in industrial automation.
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