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Original air date April 19, 2018

IIoT Webcast Series 2018, Webcast One: Cloud and mobility in field operations

IIoT Webcast Series 2018, Webcast One: Cloud and mobility in field operations

Thursday, April 19, 2018, at 11 a.m. PT/1 p.m. CT/2 p.m. ET
One (1) Certified Professional Development Hour (PDH) available for all attendees.

Click here to register.

Connected assets, rich data, and cloud-based analytics increase reliability and support optimization of field equipment installations. Predictive maintenance and closed-loop control can be applied to remote operations while remaining under centralized management.

Microcontrollers bring control to the edge while gateways allow secure information sharing with operations and business systems. Low-cost sensing makes possible condition-monitoring of plant sub-structures like steam traps and vents, as well as high-priced machines and equipment. Not least, Cloud-based environments slash the time it takes to install SCADA in remote locations. Users start generating data in hours instead of weeks. It is in these areas that IIoT is having the greatest initial impact and it is what this webcast will be about.

Learning Objectives:

  • Why has predictive maintenance been the primary IIoT application?
  • What kinds of costs are there with a proof of concept type project of Industrial IoT?
  • What type analytics are used in Industrial IoT?
  • How do I differentiate between the many suppliers of IIoT technology?

Moderator: Kevin Parker, Senior Contributing Editor, CFE Media

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