
The 9000 series ring manager features N-Ring technology and offers expanded ring-size capacity, a detailed fault diagnostic and a standard heal time of 30 milliseconds. For managing, detecting and restoring ring breaks, the ring manager sends out self health and ring control periodically around the ring.

By Staff February 1, 2007

The 9000 series ring manager features N-Ring technology and offers expanded ring-size capacity, a detailed fault diagnostic and a standard heal time of 30 milliseconds. For managing, detecting and restoring ring breaks, the ring manager sends out self health and ring control periodically around the ring. If these packets are successfully routed around the ring within the allocated time window, the ring is declared to be intact. However, if the ring is broken and the ring manager stops receiving the health check packets, it times out, declares a fault, sends a link-down notice and converts the ring to a fiber-optic backbone. As an additional diagnostic tool, a detailed ring map and fault location chart will be shown on the ring manager’s web browser to identify the health status of the ring.
