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Heavy Duty HEPA Vacuum

February 17, 2022

EXAIR’s Heavy Duty HEPA Vac is a powerful, HEPA quality, industrial vacuum cleaner that works with 30, 55 or 110 gallon open top drums. This allows you to choose the vac that best suits your applications. The Heavy Duty HEPA Vac is designed to move more material with less wear. In addition, this vacuum has been engineered to filter contaminants to HEPA requirements in dusty environments requiring frequent cleaning.             It is extremely quiet at 82 dBA (half the noise of electric vacs), making it suitable for a wide variety of environments. An economical, easily maintained pre-filter stops larger particles, while the HEPA filter handles the smaller matter. All filters are tested for minimum 99.97% filtration at the 0.3 micron level to meet HEPA standards in strict accordance to IEST-RP-CC-007. Heavy Duty HEPA Vacs come in standard, deluxe and premium styles. Choose the standard unit for basic use, the deluxe unit for heavy duty tools or the premium unit that includes all the tools and a 30, 55 or 110 gallon drum. The Heavy Duty HEPA Vac is only one of the many Industrial Housekeeping vacuums that EXAIR offers. These include the EasySwitch Wet-Dry Vac, Reversible Drum Vac, High Lift Reversible Drum Vac, Chip Vac, Chip Trapper, High Lift Chip Trapper, Heavy Duty Dry Vac and more.

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