Len O'Neal
Trick and treat
Last month, we shared some of the results from our online reader survey of Plant Engineering Online (www.plantengineering. com).
The results are in, again
We'd like to say a big "thank you" to everyone who participated in the second annual reader survey of Plant Engineering Online (www.plantengineering.com) conducted this past November and December.
Situation “normal”
If you're reading this column, it's likely that nothing catastrophic occurred to you or your plant at 12:01 a.m. on January 1 of this new year.
Just the facts, sir
It would be all too fitting to follow the course of so many other publications' year-end issue and provide you with predictions about the Year 2000, whether it be the impact of the Y2K glitch to the internet or how the World Wide Web will evolve in the coming year. However, commenting on the former would just be overkill, and providing insight on the latter would be like trying to predict the weather in Chicago. So to close out the year, we'll instead focus on the facts -- recent additions and upgrades to Plant Engineering Online (www.plantengineering.com) that you may not be aware of and ones you can expect to see in the new millennium. Fact 1: PE channels evolve Within your favorite PE channel(s), you can now access topic-related articles and new product and literature information with a single click of your mouse. Perform targeted keyword searches within each PE channel for content related only to the topics covered in that channel or, if you're the browsing type, click through to the archives page for links to any articles published by Plant Engineering magazine or exclusively online in the last 5 yr. What can you expect to find in the Plant Engineering channels in the coming months? We'll be giving you a better look at what's available at our IndustryStore.com web site with featured titles in each channel.
Add these favorites to your list
It's time again for another installment of Web Update in which we highlight sites that should be a must in your list of bookmarks or favorites.
Welcome to the family
This month, we take some time to highlight the newest addition to the family of channels presented in Plant Engineering Online (www.plantengineering.com), as well as some news and notes about upcoming online developments.
Better searching: Technology and people
If you're like me and many others surfing the internet, you reluctantly rely on search engines to help you find information.
Plant engineering and beyond
Last month's Web Update ("Your resource for a better you") called attention to resources available on or through Plant Engineering Online (www.plantengineering.
Your resource for a better you
Over the last few years, the message from Plant Engineering magazine readers concerning skills development, training, and education has come through loud and clear: Year after year, this topic has always been at or near the top of the plant engineers' priority list. In a recent Plant Engineering magazine study, The Role of the Plant Engineer 2000 , over 80% of the respondents claimed that training, education, and skills development were a leading job function of the plant engineer. Furthermore, 75% of those surveyed said their involvement in this area would increase by the year 2000. (Complete results of this study can be accessed at www.plantengineering.
Multiple media: More is better
Back in September when we conducted a reader survey for our web site, www. plantengineering.com, one of the more anticipated results was the breakdown of preferred media for reading Plant Engineering magazine (print, web site, or both).
It’s in the mail
If you have paid even the smallest amount of attention to the internet and world wide web in the last few years, you no doubt remember all of the hype about "push" technology, one of the many next-best internet developments guaranteed to change how we used the web. Well, years have passed and you would be hard-pressed to find someone eager to utter the infamous "push" word, let alone find a full-blown implementation of the concept at the level to which prognosticators claimed we would take this stupendous technology. Remember Microsoft Bob? This is not to say that "push" technology, or variations of the concept, is not in widespread use.
Survey says…
As internet usage continues to increase at a mind-numbing speed, so do the number of surveys, studies, and technological advances used to capture information about who is using the internet, for what purposes, and how satisfied they are when using it.
Power of the web
The Information Age has brought about changes in the way we do our jobs that many of us never could have predicted even 5-yr ago. Our reliance on the internet for information and communication purposes has entered the realm of everyday use.
Welcome to the new Plant Engineering Online
That's right! We listened. We learned. And now we have put that knowledge to work to provide you a new Plant Engineering Online.
Digital discussions
Since its earliest days, e-mail has always been valued as a quick and easy two-way communication tool.
The results are in
Well, we gave you the chance to speak your mind, and thankfully, many of you did. In August, we posted a survey on Plant Engineering Online (www.plantengineering.
Using the network to network
Using the network to network not only improves your means for communicating and your ability to receive timely information, but it also enables associations to provide you with a vast array of products and services to more efficiently meet their mission of serving you. Go to many association websites today, and you'll be hard-pressed not to find several, if not all, of these offerings: online versions of publications developed by the association; comprehensive calendar; directory of individuals (usually members) or organizations available to answer your questions or help solve your problems; lists of links to industry-related websites; up-to-date standards and regulations governing your industry; the latest research and technological advances within your industry; current job openings and resume posting area; "live" tradeshow coverage; and much more.
What’s stopping you?
Granted, some association websites require membership to access certain information, but don't let that stop you from browsing around a site. Many sites offer plenty of valuable content well before any encounters with a registration page.
To keep in touch with the latest news, research, and developments within your field of expertise, it's safe to assume that many of you belong to an association whose mission coincides with this goal.
Check under the hood
If you spend spend a fair amount of time browsing the Web, then it's safe to assume that your PC could be on the verge of overheating. How can you tell? Check the level of your disk cache.
Clean the windshield
As for relieving some of that stress you place on your eyes, perhaps a little adjustment to your viewing area will help. Many web sites are still designed such that control of the typeface (font and size) remains in the hands of the users.
Maintenance tips & tricks for you and your PC
It's 8:00 a.m., and with your morning cup of coffee in hand, you turn to your computer, start your Web browser, and head off to find your fill of daily news or some needed product information.
Let us know what you think
So, if you haven't figured it out already, Plant Engineering Online is conducting a survey to let your voice be heard. Between now and the end of September, we are asking that you log on to Plant Engineering Online (www.plantengineering.
Speak your mind
Three months ago, in my first column as the Web Editor, I stated that the goal of Plant Engineering Online was to provide you with the foremost information resource for the plant engineering market.
First things first
Step #1 in what will always be an iterative process is to evaluate where Plant Engineering Online currently stands in your eyes: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
The next big application?
A 2-yr-old company, WebCal Corp. (www.webcal.com), has developed their version of what could be the next big application to rule the Web.
While the concept behind free e-mail (a.k.a. freemail) is not all that new, the features provided by some of the early pioneers are expanding, and the number of players in the field is growing.
No office? No problem.
Does your job keep you away from your office most of the day? Perhaps you don't even have an office. Not to worry.
Help is just a few clicks away
Well, maybe more than a few clicks. An internet connection and a PC are also required, but once these minor hurdles are overcome, resources on the World Wide Web to help you do your job better are truly just a few clicks away.
Get your motor runnin’
If it's information about ac/dc drives, motion control, or power transmission that is of interest to you, then stop right here, go to your nearest web browser, and key in www.motorcontrol.
Metric, metric, and more metric
Is metric-related government and industry news important to your operations? Are you still pulling out conversion tables and your calculator to figure out metric equivalents? If so, then you may want to add metricUSA (www.metricusa.
Partnerships for $500
The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) network has a center in every one of the 50 states (and Puerto Rico) and over 2000 manufacturing and business specialists to help you assess your company, develop solutions, create partnerships, and continue learning through seminars and training programs. Some examples of where MEP has helped organizations are process improvement, materials engineering, plant layout, energy audits, and CAD/CAM/CAE. In addition to having helpful information on how to start a partnership and whether a partnership is right for you, the MEP web site also includes success stories, hot industry topics, breaking news, and industry trends information.