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Kris Bagadia, PEAK Industrial Solutions, LLC


IIoT, Industrie 4.0 July 1, 2009

Mobilize your assets

Maintenance departments across all industries are facing a similar challenge: as management takes a slash and dash approach to save costs, maintenance must accomplish the same quality of service with only a fraction of the resources. Unlike some departments, maintenance’s workload doesn’t get any smaller when resources are cut.

By Kris Bagadia, PEAK Industrial Solutions, LLC
System Integration February 1, 2006

Small plants can benefit from CMMS, too

Most managers find it increasingly difficult to control rising maintenance costs because of inadequate or outdated procedures. One tool that can help is a computerized maintenance management system. The need for and use of a CMMS is not specific to any one industry or type of application. Any industry requiring equipment and/or asset maintenance is a potential candidate for using a CMMS.

By Kris Bagadia, PEAK Industrial Solutions, LLC