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Julie Fraser


Energy Efficiency & Management October 1, 2008

Julie Fraser: Supply chain solutions support the eco-friendly imperative

How can a company achieve sustainability and fight energy costs? This question has put a focus on supply chain management for several years. However, within the supply chain, there are many opportunities for lowering energy, materials, and fuel consumption; and generating a more sustainable and eco-friendly operating stance.

By Julie Fraser
Safety Standards May 1, 2008

Julie Fraser: Strategic applications shift from enterprise to industry networks

The era of enterprise systems' strategic role is ending. In its current form, core ERP is not likely to provide full support for critical business processes, let alone strategic advantage. That's because acting as a stand-alone enterprise is no longer a competitive strategy. Most manufacturers must now function as members of industry networks.

By Julie Fraser
IIoT, Industrie 4.0 March 1, 2008

Julie Fraser: Addressing specific demand challenges

The path to becoming demand-driven starts with getting a firm grasp on demand. Without this foundation, all of the work to align other aspects of the operation around demand is ineffective. Beyond statistical forecasting, demand planning must be collaborative and analytical to ensure the realities of supply, demand, production, logistics, financial forecasts, and internal and external activiti...

By Julie Fraser
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