Jon Bickel, Staff Product Specialist, Square D/Schneider Electric
Motors & Drives July 1, 2006
Monitor induction motors to ensure energy efficiency
Second of two parts As energy costs rise around the world, the incentive for facilities to operate their equipment more efficiently will multiply. There are mandatory means (regulations) that authorities use to enforce conservation, and compensatory means (special rate tariffs) that reward users for using less energy.
By Jon Bickel, Staff Product Specialist, Square D/Schneider Electric
Gears and Bearings June 1, 2006
Monitor induction motors to drive power quality
First of two parts Motors are essential pieces of electrical equipment. The most common of motors in use today is the poly-phase induction motor, with more than 90% of these being squirrel cage induction motors. The poly-phase induction motor is preferred for several reasons: Due to the significant capital and operational investments made by companies in induction motors — investments tha...
By Jon Bickel, Staff Product Specialist, Square D/Schneider Electric