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IMS Research


Energy Efficiency & Management December 14, 2011

ABB acquisition brings new power to UPS market

IMS report: Purchase of Newave could turn growing UPS market into a four-way race

By IMS Research
Motors & Drives November 15, 2011

Oil, gas industry powers sales for medium voltage motor drives market

Medium voltage drives sales into the oil and gas industry will outplace the market in 2011, according to a new study from IMS Research.

By IMS Research
Energy Efficiency & Management November 7, 2011

Wireless power manufacturing seen as an emerging market

IMS Research finds infant technology could become a $4 billion industry by 2016 with cell phone application as the key

By IMS Research
Mobility November 7, 2011

Multiscreen and OTT topics expand at TelcoTV

The explosion of over-the-top onto the scene, coupled with the proliferation of tablets and consumer demand to stream video to such devices, has led to a quasi-renaissance in the telco sector.

By IMS Research
Motors & Drives October 6, 2011

Global linear motion market faces growth, dynamic change

IMS report shows new markets emerging in consumables, PV

By IMS Research
Motors & Drives August 8, 2011

IMS: Developing countries leading rebound in medium-voltage motors

Slow growth in U.S., Europe dims optimism in sector against rising economies in Asia, South America.

By IMS Research
Contract Maintenance July 11, 2011

Content distribution disintermediation, likely winners and losers

Disintermediation isn’t a buzzword, its very, very real. Now it has come to video content distribution. It happened to stock brokers, travel agents, and eventually Borders and other booksellers. Blockbuster has already fallen victim, but now the threat of disintermediation looms over the major over-the-top video service providers.

By IMS Research
Energy Efficiency & Management May 24, 2011

LightFair 2011

In the year since the last Light Fair in Las Vegas, the main issues in the LED industry have shifted from the boom in the LED TV market and oversupply in general to the general lighting market and the capacity being added in China.

By IMS Research
April 14, 2011

Building a solid research foundation

Accuracy is the lodestone for the market research industry. Without a solid factual foundation, how can one build forecast models that stretch 3-5 years into the future? The importance of up-front legwork, open communication, primary research and secondary research all lead an analyst to concrete, realistic forecasts that can stand up to scrutiny. How can we achieve accuracy?

By IMS Research
Energy Efficiency & Management April 6, 2011

US residential LED lamp installations projected to have a 200% CAGR through 2015

So, what could be done to change the love affair that the American consumer has with incandescent lamps? Some people said that it would take an act of God, but in the end, all it took was an act of congress.

By IMS Research
Energy Efficiency & Management February 21, 2011

Why we were right about Rubicon and latest thoughts on its long term prospects

On January 31st, Cannacord Genuity downgraded Rubicon on pricing peaking in Q4’10 and its stock price fell 5% from $18.90 to $18.01. Rubicon had one of the highest short ratios in the market at over 20% which was further fueled by the downgrade.

By IMS Research
Energy Efficiency & Management February 8, 2011

China leads on general lighting

While the market for general lighting will never be as heavily Asia focused as the backlighting market, China is still comfortably the largest country for LED sales in general lighting.

By IMS Research
Environmental Health January 31, 2011

Rubicon, it’s all about the product mix

While LED adoption continues to grow at a healthy rate in backlighting, LEDs per panel fell significantly in 2H’10, offsetting much of that growth, In addition, the lighting market is still dwarfed by backlighting. As a result, utilization was not as healthy as expected in Q4’10. Thus, less sapphire was required to meet demand. So, if there was a miss, it will likely be on volume.

By IMS Research
Sustainability January 3, 2011

Are LED manufacturers adding too much capacity?

Every quarter, IMS Research personnel in China, Europe, Korea, Taiwan and the USA survey companies representing both the supply side and the demand side of the LED market in order to assess the health and outlook of the LED market. The latest report showed that Q3’10 was another record quarter for GaN LED MOCVD installations with a record 230 merchant tools shipped.

By IMS Research
PLCs, PACs January 3, 2011

What is happening to third-party I/O suppliers?

Traditional PLC system suppliers still hold a dominant position in the I/O modules market, facing increasing competition from “non-traditional” PLC suppliers or “third-party” I/O suppliers, which took over one quarter of the world market for remote PLC I/O modules

By IMS Research
Switchgear December 9, 2010

New 3D TV technology coming in 2011, how will consumers respond?

In a recent Nielsen survey, 45% of survey respondents indicated the glasses were not comfortable. What if the low cost, light and comfortable glasses were available with your 3D TV?

By IMS Research
PLCs, PACs December 2, 2010

Packaged LED market shares

We have recently updated market shares for a new report, both for 2009 as well as a provisional market share for 2010. For Samsung LED and LG Innotek, we looked at the values of packaged LEDs even those contained in a module and counted all of their packaged LED business, whether merchant or captive.

By IMS Research
August 11, 2010

Samsung introduces first entry level 3D PDP TV supporting its US forecast of 4M 3D TVs

Samsung Electronics America SVP of Home Entertainment Marketing John Revie proclaimed that the 3D TV market would reach 4 million units in the USA in 2010. This was a bold statement as some research firms were expecting less than half of that number worldwide.

By IMS Research
Mobility June 25, 2010

Why eBook Reader prices will continue to fall

On June 21, Barnes and Noble lowered the Nook 3G/Wi-Fi price from $259 to $199 and introduced a WiFi only version for $149. The same day, Amazon lowered the price of its Kindle 2 from $259 to $189. Many in the media asked if this was the beginning of a price war. Without question, it is. Some have assumed that the highly successful Apple iPad is driving this. It is, but not in the way you may think.

By IMS Research