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Helena Perslow, IMS Research


February 21, 2012

Final ruling from NHTSA would save three lives every week*

It is almost three years since the U.S. “Kids and Transportation Safety Act” was passed to prevent accidents while reversing, prompted by consistently high numbers of fatal accidents involving young children.

By Helena Perslow, IMS Research
Safety Standards September 28, 2011

European charging station standards a welcome move

The European automobile manufacturers' trade association (ACEA) recommended one plug/connector for all electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids regardless of the OEM.

By Helena Perslow, IMS Research
June 21, 2011

How will high-speed data be moved around the car?

Internet systems in cars is becoming more and more competitive and the two systems, Ethernet AVB and MOST150, are competing for automotive companies' attention.

By Helena Perslow, IMS Research
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