Greg Hale
Android malware on the rise
There were 700,000 new Android malware samples spotted in the third quarter with attacks against this platform having increased by over 30 percent, a recent report said.
D-Link patches router bugs
New firmware is out for D-Link router models that have a vulnerability attackers could use to gain control of the device.
Linux worm targets ICS
Industrial control systems could feel the affect of a new Linux worm that exploits a PHP vulnerability. In addition to ICSes, other devices connected to the Internet, such as routers, set-top boxes, and security cameras could also fall victim.
Even air gaps are not secure
Even if air gaps were workable in today’s industrial control environment, that could end up being a moot point as there is a malware prototype that uses inaudible audio signals to communicate and covertly transmit sensitive data even when infected machines have no network connection.
Security: Automating the unspoken word
The unspoken knowledge shared by cyber security analysts could convert into an automated tool that helps analysts strengthen their cyber defenses.
Keeping an eye on mobile devices
A lack of security from network carriers for millions of Android users is becoming a serious security risk, especially for those who use their mobile devices in the workplace.
Cloud security: Third party code
Using third party code in cloud computing can be a security risk for users since the code does not originate from the developer, allowing hackers an easy avenue to breaking into networks.
BYOD growth brings security fears
IT workers are concerned about losing the ability to bring their own devices into the workplace, according to a survey.
Firing up a security framework
Like anything in the cyber security arena, things have to move fast and just after the Obama Administration signed an Executive Order calling for stronger security movement to help protect critical infrastructure, the first step in the development of a Cybersecurity Framework is moving forward.
Offshore energy development lab
There is now a research facility that could help bring the U.S. closer to generating power from the winds and waters along America’s coasts and help alleviate a major hurdle for offshore wind and ocean power development.