Greg Hale, ISSSource
Big boost in cyber investment
Security is becoming mainstream as 93% of companies globally are maintaining or increasing their investment in cyber security to combat the ever increasing threat from attacks, a new survey said.
EPA methane emission methods questioned
Two Republican senators urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reconsider its methods of calculating methane emissions from natural gas operations.
Data breaches go undisclosed
Malware striking systems may be more prevalent than suspected as 57% of malware analysts working on enterprise-related data breaches have addressed security problems that U.S. firms failed to disclose, a new survey said.
Honeywell User Group: Understand risk
No industrial control system can ever be 100% secure, that is a given, but a manufacturer has to understand the threat and know how far they want to go and still remain confident they can withstand the inevitable attack.
Concentrating solar power emerging
Developments for the SunShot Initiative are underway to reduce the cost of energy systems and make the technology more robust for future users.
Natural gas plants with solar boost
A new system under development converts natural gas and sunlight into a fuel called syngas, which power plants can burn to make electricity
Deadline for hazard comm requirements
Employers must meet OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard by December 1, 2012, if they handle hazardous chemicals in the workplace
Manufacturing most attacked industry
Manufacturing was the most attacked industry last year, according to a recent report by Symantec.
Texas fertilizer plant blast probe continues
Plant owner issues statement; investigation continues into cause of deadly explosion in West, Texas, April 17 that killed 14 people and injured 160.
Schneider gains Achilles status
A second major industry supplier, Schneider Electric, earned accreditation from Wurldtech Security Technologies to perform Achilles Communication Certification (ACC) testing on devices within Schneider’s labs in North Andover, Mass.
Equipment failure delays plant start-up
Mechanical issues push back start at the Prairie State power plant in Marissa, Ill.
Chemical industry needs to cut hazards
The chemical industry lacks common practice protocols and understanding to identify safer processes, a new report said.
Mine safety foundation starts up
Mining safety just got an additional boost from Alpha Natural Resources which started up the Alpha Foundation for the Improvement of Mine Safety and Health.
Cyber security bill launches in Senate
Cyber security legislation that would update laws that govern how the federal government secures its information systems as well as help safeguard vital private networks that American society depends on hit the Senate last week.