David Manney, L&S Electric
Is your maintenance program doomed to failure?
No maintenance program can succeed without effective inter-department communication and cooperation. Program discipline and management is just as important as choosing the type of maintenance program your facility utilizes.
Four reasons why electric motors overheat
Increases in the temperature of an electric motor reduce its lifespan. By knowing the reason why electric motors overheat, users can develop a preventive maintenance strategy to combat inefficiencies.
The benefits of using high-efficiency motors
The use of high-efficiency, electric motors can lead to significant drops in energy use, as well as significant savings in cost. There are other factors, such as the difference in material quality and higher upfront costs, that need to be considered as well.
Four ways to manage a compressed air system’s efficiency
There are many factors affecting the bottom line of your facility. A leak or inefficiency in a compressed air system may spell much higher costs. Follow these tips to ensure your compressed air system is running efficiently.
Knowing the causes and solutions for bearing issues
Improving the performance and longevity of bearings begins with understanding the most common causes of bearing failure and malfunction.
The six fault zones key to proper maintenance
A proper maintenance program goes beyond a visual inspection; instead it uses the proper tools and equipment necessary to check the six fault zones of a motor.
What you need to know about the shocking effects of an arc flash explosion
Most people tend to respect electrical equipment, but they may not understand the dangers associated with it. One of those dangers is arc flash. In fact, the likelihood of injury from an arc fault is higher than injury from an electric shock.
Ten tips to save money on pumping systems
As pumping systems are responsible for significant energy usage in the industrial sector, it is beneficial to reduce energy usage, therefore costs, as much as possible.
DC motor repair rewinding tips
Whether to repair or replace a motor is a decision that must take the specific business's needs and budget into account.
The basics of industrial motor power surge suppression
Power surges can be very damaging to electronic equipment in various ways, making it important to take precautionary measures in order to avoid them.
Using condition monitoring to forecast and diagnose problems
Careful condition monitoring by keeping track of any subtle changes in machines overtime can help avoid failures and costly downtime.
Three methods of preventive maintenance that should not be overlooked
Sound level analysis, ultrasonics, and vibration analysis along with other preventive maintenance techniques help prevent unexpected equipment failure and downtime.
Polarization index testing benefits
Polarization index (PI) testing is an extension of the insulation resistance test and is designed to check specific issues in a motor such as moisture and insulation deterioration.
Differences between electric motors and generators
Electric motors and generators have significant differences in terms of function and what they are used for, but both are closely connected to Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction.
Seven ways to avoid potential safety hazards
With all the safety hazards posed by electrical equipment, proper training is imperative to the well-being of employees.
The dangers of counterfeit bearings on a facility
Counterfeit bearings are becoming a major problem for companies and they pose dangers to machines as well as workers and there are steps and organizations out there looking to stem the tide.
Five lubrication warning signs to look for
Lubrication testing is common for preventive maintenance programs and people performing the tests should watch out for water, acid, and viscosity during the tests.
Six tips for reducing maintenance costs
Companies that are engaged in ongoing maintenance at an industrial facility should implement safe working practices and practice predictive maintenance whenever possible.
Benefits and limitations of ac generator motors
AC generator motors have advantages such as simple design and not requiring matching voltages, but they do have some drawbacks such as higher levels of insulation.
Carbon brush benefits for a dc motor
In dc motors, the carbon brush makes sure the commutation process remains free from sparks and helps conduct electric current between the moving parts of the motor.
Soft starter 101: How do they work?
Soft starters are designed to increase the voltage in steps and keep the motor from receiving the full voltage right away, which saves the motor from damage over time.
Predictive, preventive, and breakdown maintenance tips
Predictive, preventive, and breakdown maintenance are common maintenance programs that provide their own unique benefits and plant managers should know when to employ them.
Causes of arc flash and arc flash blast incidents
Arc flash incidents are common causes of injury in a facility and knowing how and why they occur is a good strategy to prevent them from occurring in the first place.
Implement annual IR scans in preventive maintenance program
Performing an annual infrared (IR) scan helps secure assets and also prevents downtime and disastrous equipment.
Understanding ac induction motor basics
Knowing how magnetism and electromagnetic induction work are crucial to understanding how an ac induction motor works and functions.
Five tips to prevent bearing problems
Healthy ball bearings are one of the most important details for preventing potential disaster in a manufacturing facility and knowing what to look for during routine maintenance is key.
Use cable testing to assess a motor’s health
Regular cable testing on motors are designed to help determine if any scheduled maintenance may need to take place and using insulation resistance or polarization index testing can provide some answers.
Five tips for better electric motor maintenance
It is essential to perform preventive maintenance (PM) checks on electric motors as a part of managing facility assets because they have a massive impact on a business' productivity and profit. Consider the five tips highlighted below.
Five ideas to start on the path to energy efficiency
If the goal is to save money on energy at an industrial facility, taking proper care of the equipment is crucial. Consider the five areas highlighted below as a place to start.
How does motor current analysis help motors?
Motor current analysis provides information on existing issues such as loose connections, burned windings, and grounded windings.
Importance of motor winding analysis in a facility
Motor faults and failure can cause disruptions to business operations and lead to loss of productivity and reduced profits.
Tips for keeping DC motors healthy
An effective maintenance program prolongs the lifespan of DC motors and prevents expensive and unnecessary repairs.
The two most common methods of motor testing
Regular testing of the electrical motors provides many benefits, including financial savings, energy conservation, improved safety and increased uptime.
Why is short-circuit current rating important?
It is important to verify and improve short-circuit rating to remain in compliance.
Why online motor testing is a great PdM tool
Although offline or static testing is an important part of a routine maintenance program, dynamic testing of motors can be done more frequently and, in many cases, with greater benefit.
Transformers are key for safety in any electrical system
Proper installation and maintenance of an electrical system’s components help keep the working environment safe while extending the life of the equipment.
Choosing the right PLC panel
Programmable logic controller (PLC) panels come in almost every shape and size with some of them being freestanding and others being wall-mounted and choosing the right solution for a particular application can be difficult.
Five safety tips when working near electricity
There is real potential for injury or death associated with electrical accidents and it is important to take the necessary steps to avoid these dangers.
Six ways to avoid electrical testing problems
It is important to safely start up electrical systems and restarting them securely after routine maintenance has taken place. Six tips to avoid these problems are highlighted below.
Stopping small air leaks saves energy long-term
Air leaks in facilities are common and regular maintenance can help stop them before they become a major drain on energy costs.
Avoid efficiency loss during motor repairs
Assessing the motor before repairs and a well thought-out preventive maintenance program can help reduce efficiency loss and keep operations running smoothly.
VFDs offer cost-effective benefits for plants
Variable frequency drives (VFDs) are designed to reduce energy usage by controlling the speed of the motor and can offer cost-effective benefits for plants.
Four ways to take care of bearings
Companies need to take care of their bearings because they can cause lasting damage to an electric motor if they don't. Best practices include proper storage and maintenance and avoiding counterfeit bearings.
Prevent shaft current from causing motor damage
Awareness and testing for potential shaft current on motors can help companies experience fewer problems with downtime and equipment failure.
Three tips for worker arc flash safety
Companies need to take necessary steps to prevent an arc flash incident such as identifying potential areas where an incident might occur and ensuring workers have access to proper safety equipment like personal protective equipment (PPE).
Eight common causes of gear failure
The cause of gear failure can stem from many issues, but the most common is due to wear, which occurs for different reasons.
Avoid surprises with preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance can help companies keep their machinery running and prevent faults, but users should consider noninvasive techniques that don't end up causing inadvertent damage during the maintenance process.