Dan Miklovic, LNS Research
Four reasons why regulated industries need to invest in APM
The reasons regulated industries need to pursue APM excellence may vary, but they share several key drivers: regulatory compliance and reporting, quality and track and trace accountability, and process consistency & reliability.
3 ways to build top-level APM commitments
Like all other BPI initiatives, asset performance management (APM) relies on top leadership to establish the culture where the BPI projects can thrive and be successful. With APM there are numerous ways leaders can have either a positive or negative impact on the success.
Is it possible to over-automate processes in APM?
In the article I explore the possibility of over-automating the APM process and the cause for it.
Pick the right RCM metrics for the right process
Choosing the right metrics isn’t always a cut and dried matter. As we look at RCM metrics, I am going to add another dimension to the metrics decision—that of process.
Plant managers need financial, operational data
Plant floor workers need to understand the financial implications of their decisions so they can prevent the problem from ever occurring.