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Avery Ruxer Franklin


Courtesy: Steve Rourke, CFE Media
Energy, Power October 13, 2021

Renewable energy will increase security and lower geopolitical risk

As renewable energy assume a greater share of the energy mix, risks to the continuity of the U.S. energy supply will dissipate

By Avery Ruxer Franklin
Oil and Gas July 13, 2021

Oil and gas demand likely to grow despite pandemic

Global oil and gas demand expected to grow through 2030 in spite of COVID-19's impact on economy, according to report.

By Avery Ruxer Franklin
Oil and Gas June 21, 2021

Oil field-produced water provision in energy act could undermine energy transition

An environmental bill pending in Congress could reclassify water extracted from oil and gas wells as hazardous waste, which would drive up drilling costs and have a destabilizing effect on energy markets.

By Avery Ruxer Franklin
Oil and Gas April 19, 2020

Trade agreement between U.S., China should be reinterpreted for long-term oil and gas value

Rice University experts at the Baker Institute for Public Policy argue in an issue brief that the trade deal with the U.S. and China should be reinterpreted to allow for better long-term benefits relating to oil and gas.

By Avery Ruxer Franklin