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Anil Gosine


System Integrators April 9, 2021

Standardizing the delivery, performance of system integrators

Automation system integrators contractors can provide a central point of coordination and responsibility for all aspects of an automation project.

By Anil Gosine
IIoT, Industrie 4.0 September 10, 2019

Water and wastewater utilities leverage IIoT for energy management

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies and strategies help water and wastewater utilities advance energy efficiency goals. See applications: 7 IIoT benefits below.

By Anil Gosine
Cybersecurity May 8, 2019

Utility sector strengthens security posture with rise of IIoT

Cybersecurity: Improving evaluation and certification methods, security audits, and testing provide a foundation for evaluating Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices.

By Anil Gosine
Automation, Controls November 8, 2016

Key security components and strategies for industrial control systems

Back to Basics: Industrial control systems (ICSs) are becoming a more frequent target for cybersecurity attacks, and companies working in vital industries need to take steps to prevent or reduce the risk for a catastrophic event. See five drivers of and eight ways to support ICS cybersecurity.

By Anil Gosine