Alex Green, Senior Research Director, IMS Research
Opportunity matrix for electronic government and healthcare ID
IMS Research has just published a new report looking at the current and future prospects for smart card technology being used in electronic government and healthcare ID applications. I thought an interesting way of looking at our results would be to produce an “opportunity matrix” detailing the top prospect countries for these markets in 2016.
Why LTE Has to Be the long-term choice for nationwide broadband PMR in Europe
LTE, for mission-critical communications, as well as other solutions, is the best overall solution for the future because of its wide use in the U.S. and because of its wide projected use.
Ignoring China, how successful have smart card national ID schemes really been? And what does the future hold?
The Chinese Citizen ID project was so vast compared to anything else that’s been occurring in this market, it’s been difficult for observers to gauge just how successful other national ID projects have been and to what extent the recession and the recovery really impacted the wider market.
Just how bad would the embedded SIM be for the smart card industry?
SIM shipment volumes grew by a whopping 30% in 2010, more than four out every five SIM cards in use were replaced over the last 12 months, and the SIM card installed base recently broke the five billion barrier. Things are looking pretty good, but could the party come to an abrupt end if the removable SIM model was replaced with an embedded model?
77% of US mission critical license holders would like mobile broadband
Mobile broadband networks are something mission critical users would like to have, according to a survey, but less than a fifth of those polled view it as an essential feature.