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Alan Sappe’ and Torsten Schloo

Alan Sappe’ is product marketing manager at Phoenix Contact USA, with more than 20 years’ experience in industrial connectivity and control systems. He has provided product training and support for many commercial and industrial companies across major industries including building automation, electric power, oil & gas, telecom, transportation, and water management. Currently, he is working to develop and implement innovative solutions for industrial control systems. Torsten Schloo is product marketing manager at Phoenix Contact headquarters in Blomberg, Germany, with 10 years of experience in planning and maintenance of robot-assisted manufacturing systems and another 20 years in Industrial Connection Technology. He and his team have responsibility for wiring and testing products with special industry focus like electric power generation, transformation and distribution, renewables, oil & gas and process industries.


Process Manufacturing November 29, 2019

HART increasingly used for quick diagnostics

Pluggable disconnect terminals for process engineering control systems. HART can help control processes in 3 ways.

By Alan Sappe’ and Torsten Schloo
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