Warehouse management system offers raw materials visibility throughout processing

Targeted particularly for consumer packaged goods, food and beverage manufacturers, the system offers raw material controls throughout production and finished goods.

By Staff September 7, 2007

RedPrairie Corporation , a consumer-driven optimization company, announced yesterday that its warehouse management solution (WMS) offers complete raw material controls throughout production and finished goods, resulting in reduced waste and improved customer confidence for consumer packaged goods (CPG), food and beverage companies.
“A recent Food Marketing Institute study found only 66% of shoppers are confident that the food they buy at the grocery store is safe, compared to 82% last year,” said Tom Kozenski, vice president of product strategy for RedPrairie. “We believe improved raw materials control and traceability throughout the supply chain will have a positive impact on consumer confidence and our customer’s brands.”
According to RedPrairie, in a typical production line, raw materials and finished goods are treated as separate processes. Often, as raw materials move to the production line, 2 to 10% of those materials are wasted, and visibility into those materials is lost as they enter the next phase of production. The new WMS solutions offer: