Video surveillance historian for process, batch
The historian is an extension of a video system that enables users to acquire and store video associated with manufacturing process variables.
The Video Historian extension for Longwatch’s Video Surveillance System enables users to acquire and store video clips linked with process and manufacturing variables such as time of day, camera number, batch step, machine ID and other control system tags. Much like a process historian that stores information about processes, the Video Historian archives video that documents procedures in batch applications, provides visual proof of regulatory compliance, monitors machinery, observes operator actions and helps improve quality, reduce downtime and avoid costly losses.
The historian module can be added to any Longwatch Video Surveillance System via a simple download. The Longwatch Video System includes Video Control Center and in-plant or remote Video Engine software to manage multiple cameras. The Video Engines acquire and store high-definition video images and provide video clips documenting defined events. Multiple Video Engines interface to the Video Control Center through the plant’s Ethernet or control network (wired or wireless), delivering “video clips” generated by the Video Engines to HMI/SCADA workstations, Internet browsers or mobile phones.
Longwatch Inc.
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