Ultrasonic level sensors

LPU-2428 loop-powered ultrasonic level sensors are microprocessor-controlled to internally perform volume, flow and totalization calculations. The IP65-rated sensors have a 1 to 25-foot detection range and are specifically designed for liquid flow-rate and volume measurement applications. Users can select flow rate units of per second, per minute, per hour or per day.

By Plant Engineering Staff January 15, 2008

LPU-2428 loop-powered ultrasonic level sensors are microprocessor-controlled to internally perform volume, flow and totalization calculations. The IP65-rated sensors have a 1 to 25-foot detection range and are specifically designed for liquid flow-rate and volume measurement applications. Users can select flow rate units of per second, per minute, per hour or per day. Standard volume units include cubic feet, millions of cubic feet, gallons, cubic meters or liters.

Automation Products Group Inc.


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