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Top 5 Plant Engineering articles, October 23-29: Bearing maintenance, decrease in OSHA violations, ERP risks, and more

Articles about bearing maintenance, decrease in OSHA violations, ERP risks, filter replacement, and why the Five Whys may not be enough were Plant Engineering's five most clicked articles from last week, October 23-29. Were you out? You can catch up here.

By Sierra Grayson, CFE Media October 30, 2017

Plant Engineering’s top 5 most read articles from October 23-29, covered bearing maintenance, decrease in OSHA violations, ERP risks, filter replacement, and why the Five Whys may not be enough. Link to each article below.

1. Seven tips for proper bearing maintenance

Bearings are important mechanical components that help in maintaining the liner and rotational movements of a machine and it is important they are maintained properly to ensure long operational life.

2. Sharp decrease in OSHA workplace violations

Annual report finds fall protection citations drop 14% from 2016

3. ERP risks that can’t be ignored

Being proactive in enterprise resource planning (ERP) risk management may spell the difference between a successful ERP overhaul, and an ERP disaster.

4. Filter replacement: 5 signs it’s time for a change

Testing and monitoring offer best indications of filter health.

5. Five why "nots": Using more than the "5 whys" method for root cause analysis

Using 5 Whys alone may leave engineers with an incomplete root cause picture, which is why other methods should be considered to help solve the problems and keep them from recurring.

This list was developed using CFE Media’s web analytics for stories viewed on, October 23-29, for articles published within the last two months.

Sierra Grayson, Production Coordinator, CFE Media,