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Temperature measurement handbook

Omega's newly released "Temperature Measurement Handbook, 7th Edition" features more than 2,000 full-color pages of detailed information and specifications on more than 40,000 products for process measurement and control.

March 24, 2010
Omega has released "Volume MMXIV Omega TemperatureMeasurement Handbook, 7th Edition." It features more than 2,000 full-colorpages of detailed information and specifications on more than 40,000 productsfor process measurement and control. The 7th Edition contains the latesttechnology and new products in sanitary temperature sensors and devices,wireless connectors and instruments, profile temperature labels, thermalimagers and infrared temperature products, automation products, new technicalbooks related to measurement and control, as well as updated technicalreferences and data.

Also included are Omega’s most popular temperaturemeasurement and control products including thermocouples, RTD probes andelements, thermistors, calibration equipment, handheld instruments, meters,controllers, timers, transmitters, process controllers and power switchingdevices, data acquisition, recorders, cryogenics temperature measurement andheaters.
OMEGA EngineeringInc.